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-Guy Kawasaki
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown
is the belief that one's work is terribly important.
-Bertrand Russell
Wear sunscreen
-Mary Schmich
Man was given an imagination to compensate for what he isn't;
a sense of humour to console him for what he is.
- Francis Bacon
-W.H. Davies
Not all those that wander are lost.
-J.R.R. Tolkein
Life is a tragedy for those who feel,
and a comedy for those who think.
-Jean de La Bruyère
The average person thinks he isn't.
-Father Larry Lorenzoni
Computers are useless.
They can only give you answers.
-Pablo Picasso
Become who you are.
Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.
-Frank Tyger
Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
a sew for dinnner?
I love bets. I love betting. Not on horses, or on our men in white - but on simple, sometimes silly things... obscure bits of trivia and feats and dares that'd never make it onto Australian TV shows.
A kindly room mate in college, who was at the recieving (and often paying) end of these bets, invented something we called "notional Cokes". We printed a poster with lots of tiny Coca Cola bottles, and he'd buy me a real Coke for every five "notional Cokes" I won. I think that lasted about two months - before he stopped betting.
Won a trivial bet over the weekend - over how sew is pronounced. Unfortunately - for my friend - sew has more in common with sow than with few or even dew - but the payoff is dinner at Fusion 9! It's going to be a few weeks before I'll be able to collect... I'm off to the Emerald city - also known as Latte Land. It's home to Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon, and even better, Starbucks!
5:47 AM
Monday, November 24, 2003